Malala speaks to Mira Sethi about her time at Oxford


Historians were named, mesmerizing poets were discussed and strong women leaders were appreciated - now we know what happens when two powerful, intellectual women come together to have a conversation.

Following Malala Yousufzai's graduation from Oxford, the youngest Nobel Prize winner recently caught up with Mira Sethi for an Instagram live session.

As the two women sat down, Malala opened up about her journey at Oxford. “Economics was my least favourite,” she confessed, as the conversation turned towards academics. “I enjoyed Philosophy and Politics modules more," revealing she studied Politics in South Asia, and Plato's Republic which was her favorite.

Studying at Lady Margaret Hall, the first women’s college at Oxford - Malala also confessed how proud she felt since Benazir Bhutto studied from the same place.

“When you see her portraits in the corridor, it makes you proud that she was the first female Prime Minister of Pakistan. It gives girls hope that they can also be leaders.”

Much to our surprise, Yousufzai also spoke about how she made sure to bring the essence of university back home, since corona virus halted the in-person celebrations.

“There’s this tradition called trashing at Oxford and on the last day of exams all your friends trash you outside the examination schools. Trashing includes throwing shaving foam on you, powder, flowers, you know just anything," she spoke with nostalgia.

"Because I was not in college and I missed that, I prepared my brothers well. I trained them and we did it at home."

She also spoke about how after graduation, she has travelling on the top of her list, and she would love to meet girls from all over the world and listen to their unique stories.

“At Oxford, my goal was to just listen and learn," she told Sethi.

From discussing rain, to sharing love for education, we had a lovely time listening to the duo chat. Big congrats once again, Malala.


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